Preventing Unfair Motorcycle Bias From Affecting Your Claim?

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Preventing Unfair Motorcycle Bias From Affecting Your Claim?

Motorcycle accidents are incredibly common, not only in Florida but the rest of the United States. The vast majority of riders follow all rules of the road, are courteous towards other motorists, and do everything they can to try to avoid being in an accident. But they still have to deal with the ridiculous reality of motorcycle bias. In many instances, this can make it much harder for them to obtain compensation for injuries they suffer.

At the Jones Law Group, our attorneys have represented people hurt in motorcycle accidents for a long time. We’ve seen case after case where insurance companies, juries and even police officers make life difficult for our clients because of their built-in biases. But we’ve defeated this bias on a regular basis – we’ll work to do the same thing for you.

Get in touch with our motorcycle accident attorneys as soon as you can by giving us a call at (727) 571-1333 or contacting us online to schedule a free consultation.

What is Motorcycle Bias?

You’ve no doubt seen a television show or a movie featuring a marauding band of bikers who crashed through a picnic. Or did something else to terrorize innocent members of the public. You know how idiotic that characterization of motorcycle enthusiasts can be.

Unfortunately, for a lot of people, that’s the first thing they think of when they picture someone on a motorcycle. Many people assume that bikers are either criminals or addicted to adrenaline. And that they have no regard for people sharing the road with them.

How Can Motorcycle Bias Affect Your Claim?

Motorcycle bias may be silly, but it’s real. The hard truth is that this bias can sometimes have a negative impact on an injury victim’s claim. If you’ve suffered a severe injury due to the negligence of another driver, that bias may wind up haunting you if you don’t have the help of a skilled attorney.

These are just a couple of ways motorcycle bias could hurt your ability to get the money you deserve if you don’t have an experienced legal representative working on your behalf.

While Working with the Insurance Company

Insurance companies are staffed with incredibly intelligent, talented individuals. They know full well that motorcycle bias exists, and they will try to use that bias against you. You’ve done everything right – you’ve purchased motorcycle insurance, and you’ve ridden in the safest possible manner. But that doesn’t mean your insurance company – or the insurer of the negligent party that caused your accident – will make it easy for you to get what you deserve.

Actually, the opposite will more likely be the case. Insurance companies who go up against inexperienced lawyers will oftentimes get away with using bias against riders. As incredible as it may seem, some attorneys have those exact same biases – against their own clients. How is the victim supposed to have any sort of chance when up against that kind of obstacle?

The insurers involved in your claim know exactly how much you should receive. But they’re going to do everything they can to either reduce that amount, or deny the claim entirely. You’ll need a skilled legal representative to fight for your rights. And to make sure motorcycle bias doesn’t keep you from obtaining full and fair compensation.

If Your Claim Goes to Trial

Most of the time, an experienced attorney will be able to convince an insurance company to make a fair settlement offer to an accident victim. Even if that victim happened to be riding a motorcycle when their accident occurred. But there are times where an insurer will be convinced it can take advantage of motorcycle bias and win in court.

This is where having an attorney who knows how to defeat that bias will be critically important. Members of the jury will likely have no idea how to ride a motorcycle, and that could hurt you. The insurer may argue that you sped up before making a turn. Therefore, the collision was your fault as a result. Juries don’t know that riders have to increase their speed in order to make a turn safely.

What Will my Attorney do to Prevent Motorcycle Bias from Affecting my Claim?

Good attorneys will know how to prevent an insurance company from preying on a jury’s lack of motorcycle knowledge. They will be able to clearly explain how riders operate their bikes responsibly. And they can show exactly what kinds of maneuvers they have to perform in order to be as safe as possible.

But even more important, a strong legal representative will have the solid evidence needed to prove that you’re not to blame for the accident. They’ll perform an investigation into the wreck, talk to witnesses, check for skid marks at the accident scene, obtain footage from any nearby cameras that may have caught the accident, and more.

There will very likely be extremely high stakes on the line when it comes to a motorcycle accident. You’ve suffered a severe injury, and the medical bills are piling up. You’ve probably already had to miss a lot of time from work, and you’ll have to miss much more. These medical expenses, lost wages and other financial losses are known as “damages” in legal terms – and these damages can be incredibly high.

A Jones Law Group attorney will work to help you obtain compensation for damages such as hospital stays, past and future medical bills, physical therapy, medication and surgery costs. We will also fight to help you recover non-tangible damages, such as pain and suffering and emotional trauma.

Why Should I Hire Jones Law Group for My Motorcycle Accident Case?

If you’ve suffered an injury in a motorcycle accident that was not your fault, you already have enough to deal with. The last thing you need is for motorcycle bias to put your claim at risk. The attorneys with Jones Law Group won’t let that happen.

Get in touch with us for more information on how we can help you get the money you have coming. Call (727) 571-1333 or contact us online for a free case review.

bobby jones

About the Author

Bobby Jones is the founder and managing partner at Jones Law Group. He has been practicing law for over 20 years, primarily focusing on personal injury and civil law, commercial and business law, and construction law. He routinely writes and reviews the articles on this blog.