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As beautiful as Florida is, our state is also notorious for being the most dangerous in the nation for pedestrians. Simply taking a walk can pose a risk of suffering a severe injury due to the carelessness

Truck accidents are some of the most devastating on the road, often resulting in serious injuries and even fatalities. Victims of truck accidents may find themselves in a challenging and overwhelming situation, with mounting medical bills and

It’s not fair, of course, but it’s almost inevitable. You’ve suffered a severe injury in a car accident, and you know it wasn’t your fault. But the insurance company doesn’t care. Since they only prioritize their bottom

More than 40%of all motor vehicle accidents result in some type of injury, including lower back pain. This type of pain can range from mild discomfort to severe, chronic pain lasting years after the accident. The following

Car accidents are a common occurrence in Florida, and determining who is at fault for the accident is a critical step in the process of seeking compensation for damages and injuries. Florida is a no-fault state. This

Self-driving trucks, or autonomous trucks, have been a hot topic in the transportation industry for several years. The technology behind self-driving trucks has been rapidly evolving, and many companies have been testing and deploying them on roads

Motorcycle accidents caused by a car door opening are a common type of accident that can result in serious injuries or even death. It seems that just about everyone is in a hurry these days. But there’s

Pedestrian accidents can be devastating, leaving the victim with severe injuries and significant financial losses. If you’ve suffered an injury after you were struck by a car, you likely have many questions and concerns about what to

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that only 2% of crashes result in a rollover. Rollovers occur when a vehicle tips on its side or roof as a result of a crash. While rollover accidents

You could still obtain compensation even if you were partly at fault for the car accident that resulted in your injury, thanks to the legal principle known as “comparative negligence.” Even though you contributed to the accident,