How Insurance Adjusters Will Try to Devalue Your Car Accident Claim

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How Insurance Adjusters Will Try to Devalue Your Car Accident Claim

It won’t take long before the at-fault driver’s insurance company sends an adjuster to get you to agree to a settlement. This skilled professional might act like they’re your friend and want to help, but they’ll be anything but friendly. Insurance adjusters will try to trick you into making a mistake that could damage your case.

A Jones Law Group attorney will keep that from happening. We won’t let you fall victim to the tricks that insurance companies play. Contact us online or call (727) 571-1333 for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help.

Attempting to Settle Quickly

One tactic that some adjusters may use to expedite the claims process is to encourage you to settle quickly. They may suggest that settling quickly will allow the claimant to avoid the stress and uncertainty of a prolonged claims process and may even offer a slightly higher settlement amount as an incentive.

However, settling too soon can also come with significant drawbacks. Victims who accept a quick settlement may be leaving money on the table, as they may not have had enough time to evaluate the extent of their losses or damages fully. Additionally, settling too early may mean they forfeit their right to pursue additional compensation, even if new damages or losses arise.

Take the time to fully evaluate their claim and consult an experienced attorney before agreeing to any settlement offer.

Asking You to Sign Documents Immediately

Insurance adjusters may ask you to sign various documents immediately after a car accident. However, signing these documents without fully understanding their contents can potentially harm your ability to receive fair compensation for any damages or injuries sustained in the accident.

These documents may include a release of liability form, which waives your right to pursue any additional compensation from the at-fault driver or their insurance company. Adjusters may try to convince you to sign this form in exchange for a quick settlement offer, but that will be the end of your case if you do. If your injuries were worse than you thought, you’d be responsible for paying whatever expenses remain after the settlement money runs out.

Another document that adjusters may ask you to sign is a medical authorization form. This form grants the adjuster access to your medical records, which they may use to dispute the severity of your injuries or to offer a lower settlement amount. It’s important to carefully review the medical authorization form before signing. Ensure you understand what information the adjuster will access.

Generally, it’s best to avoid signing documents immediately after a car accident. Instead, take the time to carefully review and understand the contents of any documents presented to you. Consider consulting with an experienced attorney to protect your rights and interests throughout the claims process.

Stating that Your Injuries Weren’t Caused by the Accident

The adjuster assigned to your case may argue that your injuries were pre-existing and unrelated to the accident. They may claim that they occurred for some other reason.

These arguments are used to reduce the amount of compensation that the insurance company is required to pay out. Medical professionals and accident reconstruction specialists can often provide evidence to show the accident was the direct cause of your injuries.

An attorney can work with these experts to gather evidence to support your claim and ensure you receive fair compensation for your injuries and damages.

Stating that Your Injuries Aren’t Serious

The adjuster may also argue your injuries aren’t severe and don’t warrant the compensation you seek. They might even claim your injuries are minor or that they will heal quickly.

That’s a lie since injuries sustained in an accident can have long-term or even permanent effects on your health. Medical professionals are best equipped to assess the severity of injuries and provide appropriate treatment. Insurance adjusters are not medical professionals.

If an adjuster argues that your injuries aren’t severe, seeking medical attention and documenting all of your symptoms and treatments is essential.

Insurance Adjusters May Try to Get You to Avoid Hiring a Lawyer

Insurance adjusters know that an experienced attorney can significantly increase the amount of compensation you receive. Adjusters may use a variety of tactics to dissuade you from getting legal help. This includes suggesting that a lawyer will only increase the time and expense of the claims process.

However, an experienced attorney can help you navigate the complex claims process, negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, and gather the evidence necessary to build a strong case. They can also help you avoid common pitfalls that can harm your ability to receive compensation. Such as signing a release of liability form or settling for a lower amount than you deserve.

It’s essential to consult with an experienced attorney after an accident, no matter what the insurance adjusters say.

Using Your Statements Against You

After an accident, insurance adjusters will often contact you to gather information. It may be tempting to provide as much information as possible. However, it’s essential to understand that anything you say when talking to an insurance company can be used against you.

Adjusters may employ various tactics to use what you say against you. For example, they may use leading questions or try to get you to admit fault for the accident. They may also record conversations or ask you to provide written statements. These can later be used to dispute your claims or deny your compensation.

Be cautious when communicating with insurance adjusters. You have the right to refuse to answer questions, or you can request that your attorney be present during conversations. Avoid making statements that someone could interpret as admitting fault or minimizing the severity of your injuries or damages.

Your attorney can work to challenge any inaccurate or unfair statements made by the insurance company and ensure you get the money you deserve.

Jones Law Group’s Talented Attorneys Will Deal with the Insurance Adjusters, So You Don’t Have to

The attorneys with Jones Law Group can shield you from the harassment and tricks an insurance adjuster may try to use. Call (727) 571-1333 or use our online form to schedule a free case evaluation.

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About the Author

Bobby Jones is the founder and managing partner at Jones Law Group. He has been practicing law for over 20 years, primarily focusing on personal injury and civil law, commercial and business law, and construction law. He routinely writes and reviews the articles on this blog.