
By: Bobby Jones – Car Accidents Every year Allstate rates the safest and most dangerous cities in which to drive. Allstate actuaries have studied the company’s claims data to determine the likelihood drivers in the

T-bone car accidents (or motorcycle accidents) are also known as side-impact collisions. The video below shows a t-bone car accident that resulted when one driver ran a red light. you can see, car accidents involving a

By: Bobby Jones – Car Accidents I scream about the benefits of maintaining an uninsured motorist policy. I do it so often I feel like Don Quixote trying to right the world’s impossible wrongs. In

By: Bobby Jones – Personal Injury Car and motorcycle accidents are the most common cause of traumatic brain injuries. Many traumatic brain injuries go unreported by the injured person. Many of these injured people are

By: Bobby Jones – Personal Injury Collectively, semi-trucks travel about 140 billion miles per year, delivering goods in the United States. One-third of all U.S. semi trucks are registered in Florida, Texas, and California. Obviously,

By: Bobby Jones – Overtime and Wage Claims So your boss has handed you big promotion. He has made you a manager and has agreed to pay you a salary. After awhile you realize that

By: Bobby Jones – Car Accidents The insurance companies have done a fantastic job of getting the American public to associate the term “soft tissue injury” with minor or not serious injuries. This is incredibly

By: Bobby Jones – Personal Injury Concussions are probably the most common injury following a motorcycle accident. Unfortunately, they are one of the more ignored injuries that are suffered by bikers. It isn’t because doctors

By: Jones Law Group – Personal Injury Concussions have become a hot topic lately. There is a reason why and it is because concussions can have permanent effect on accident victims. There is a reason that the

By: Bobby Jones – Personal Injury A motorcycle accident can change your life. It can kill you or cause you a lifetime of pain and suffering. It is important to know what your legal options