By: Bobby Jones – Personal Injury Florida is one of the most popular vacation spots on the planet. There are roughly 1 million seasonal residents who spend time in Florida, otherwise known as snowbirds. There
By: Bobby Jones – Personal Injury Florida is one of the most popular vacation spots on the planet. There are roughly 1 million seasonal residents who spend time in Florida, otherwise known as snowbirds. There
By: Bobby Jones – Personal Injury Worldwide, Facebook has more than 1.5 billion active users. Social media, in general, has become an ingrained method of instant communication among the masses. Businesses use Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin,
By: Bobby Jones – Personal Injury This is the final part in my Personal Injury Medical Terms Glossary. I hope that those of you that have taken the time to read this have found it
In my opinion, the practice of law is a very personal business. The practice of law within the area of personal injury is even more so, but all too often I hear horror stories from people I
Are you in a hostile work environment? At work, if you feel intimidated, uncomfortable, or have trouble doing your job due to the actions or behavior of another, you are in a hostile work environment. This usually