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I am aware that there are hundreds of websites that provide “personal injury calculators.” In my opinion, they are not very reliable for assessing the value of a personal injury case. These “personal injury calculators,” for the

When Should I Hire an Attorney After an Accident? It is perfectly within your rights not to hire a lawyer after a car accident. In many cases, I would even argue that you do not need one.

What is an Accident Reconstruction Expert? Anyone who has been involved in an accident knows that the police come out, take statements, examine the scene and the cars involved. They may or may not measure skid marks

Gabby’s Law If Gabby’s Law passes the Florida Legislature, drivers that illegally pass a stopped school bus could wind up in jail. The bill is named for Gabby Mair who was hit and killed shortly after exiting

What is Aggressive Driving? Did you know Florida has an aggressive driving statute?[1] Aggressive driving is defined as driving while committing any two of the following offenses: 1. Exceeding the posted speed limit;2. Improperly or unsafely changing

So you have been involved in an accident. You were not in perfect condition before the accident. Perhaps you had an old injury to your back. Perhaps your prior back injury had not flared up in years

Remember, it is important that you call a lawyer as soon as possible following the accident. At Jones Law Group, we only get paid if we recover money for you, so you only stand to gain in